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How we work

Right money, right place, right time

Canonium Wealth Planning has a sole purpose: to give you financial peace of mind and allow you to live the life you desire.

Giving you confidence and reassurance

We understand that planning your financial future is complex and can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to break it down into smaller, simpler chunks and give you the confidence and reassurance that comes with being on top of your finances.
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Six-step process

Using a Lifestyle Financial Planning approach and a simple, six-step process, we will discuss your dreams, identify your goals, and devise a comprehensive plan to ensure you achieve them.

An approach tailored to you

We always get to know you first and your money second. We have to understand how you got to where you are now, your current mindset, and your plans for the future, before we can give the best financial advice for you.

Putting your life goals first

Lifestyle Financial Planning is a financial plan designed and built around your financial future and the lifestyle you want to lead. With the aid of sophisticated software and in-depth exploration of your life goals we'll provide you with a robust, agile financial plan that will provide you with peace of mind and the freedom to enjoy your desired lifestyle while ensuring you leave a legacy to pass to the next generation, if that’s your wish.

Our six-step process


Initial discussion

We start things off with a simple chat to get an idea of what your needs are and to see whether engaging with a financial adviser is the right option for you. This can be over the phone, or video call, but we always prefer to meet in person. There's just no substitute for a good old fashioned handshake and chinwag.

Getting to know you

Once we know it’s right for you, we’ll begin the financial planning process. This kicks off with an introductory meeting where we explore your values, ambitions, and what matters the most to you. We’ll also discuss your previous approach to financial planning (if you have one) and what you want your financial plan to do for you.

Research and analysis

After establishing all of the details, we conduct thorough research and analysis to produce a planning report that outlines the optimal strategy for achieving your financial goals. We’re of independent regulatory status, which means  our recommendations can be drawn from across the entire spectrum of potential solutions without bias.

Your plan explained

Having devised a plan, we then meet to go through every detail of it. We will explain each aspect, in simple terms, as well as the reasoning behind every decision. This is your chance to ask questions and make sure we’re both on the same page. We never let you leave without being completely sure that you understand what’s being proposed and are 100% happy for it to be implemented.


We then allow for a period of reflection, giving you a chance to think things through. This is not a job to be rushed. Once you confirm you're happy, we’ll begin implementing the financial plan. There will probably be some paperwork involved, and we're here to help you with that too.

Regular review

Once your plan is up and running, we conduct regular reviews to make sure you’re always happy with it. This is important because many things can change – work life, family life, your goals, Government legislation – so we will meet up at least annually to review the plan to make sure it's in keeping with your changing circumstances. If necessary we’ll revisit your revised needs and re-structure things for you - effectively returning to step 2 - and the process repeats.

The fees

Our fee structure adopts a hybrid approach to ensure our clients always pay a fair price that is proportional to the funds they invest and the complexity of the service they require, meaning they don’t pay more than they need to.

The first aspect of the fee structure is a tiered ad valorem charge i.e., a percentage fee that is proportionate to the value of the assets you have entrusted us to advise on.

The second aspect relates to work involved in carrying out the tasks you need help with. We believe this offers a fairer deal because if the work you request is a short, straightforward task, you shouldn’t have to pay the same as someone whose requirements are more complex and time consuming, as is the case with a flat fee structure.

If you have a question about our fee structure, we’re here to answer it.

You can find out more about our services and costs here.

Get in touch

To find out more about how we can help you, please get in touch.

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